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Airport Name Code
Abi Airport AK46
Adak Airport PADK
Airway Airport 5AK3
Akhiok Airport PAKH
Akiachak Airport Z13
Akiachak Seaplane Base KKI
Akiak Airport PFAK
Akun Airport PAUT
Akutan Seaplane Base KQA
Alakanuk Airport PAUK
Alascom/Coastal Lena Point Heliport AK94
Alaska Airpark AK01
Alaska Regional Hospital Heliport 2OK
Aleknagik / New Airport 5A8
Aleknagik Mission Lodge Airport 4AK7
Aleknagik Seaplane Base Z33
Alitak Seaplane Base ALZ
All West Airport AK77
Allakaket Airport PFAL
Allen Army Airfield PABI
Alpine Airstrip PALP
Alsek River Airport A57
Ambler Airport PAFM
American Creek Airport AK80
Amook Bay Seaplane Base AK81
Anaktuvuk Pass Airport PAKP
Anchor River Airpark AK00
Anderson Lake Airport 0AK1
Angoon Seaplane Base PAGN
Aniak Airport PANI
Annette Island Airport PANT
Ans Hospital Heliport 5Z4
Anvik Airport PANV
Anvik Seaplane Base K40
Arctic Angel Airport 9AK4
Arctic Village Airport PARC
Arness Lake Airport 6Z1
Art Z Airport 7AK0
Atka Airport PAAK
Atmautluak Airport 4A2
Atqasuk Edward Burnell Sr Memorial Airport PATQ
B & B Boys Ranch Airport 3AK6
Badami Airport PABP
Bald Mountain Airport 2AK7
Bangerter Field 70AK
Barlett Regional Hospital Heliport AA44
Barter Island LRRS Airport PABA
Bartlett Cove Seaplane Base BQV
Bartletts Airport AK96
Basin Creek Airport Z47
Basquo Airport 52AK
Bear Cove Farm Airport 46AK
Bear Creek 1 Airport AK02
Bear Creek 3 Airport Z48
Beaver Airport PAWB
Beaver Lake Seaplane Base D71
Bechtol Field 56AK
Bell Island Hot Springs Seaplane Base KBE
Beluga Airport PABG
Beluga Heliport 5AK1
Bethel Airport PABE
Bethel Seaplane Base Z59
Bettles Airport PABT
Big Lake Airport PAGQ
Big Mountain Airport PABM
Birch Creek Airport Z91
Birch Creek Landing 51AK
Birchwater Airport AK85
Birchwood Airport PABV
Black Rapids Airport 5BK
Black Spruce Airport AK89
Blair Lake Airport 2AK1
Blinn Lake Seaplane Base Z87
Blodget Lake Seaplane Base D75
Bluff Park Farm Airport 71AK
Bob Baker Memorial Airport PAIK
Boisselle's Strip 3AK8
Bold Airport A13
Boswell Bay Airport AK97
Boundary Airport BYA
Bradley Lake Hydroelectri Project Airstrip 0AK7
Bradley Sky-Ranch Airport 95Z
Breeden Airport AK05
Brevig Mission Airport PFKT
Brocker Lake Seaplane Base 6A7
Bryant Army Heliport PAFR
Buck Creek Airport AK98
Buckland Airport PABL
Buffalo Row Heliport AK35
Bullen Point Air Force Station Airport PABU
Butler Aviation Airport 6AK3
Butte Municipal Airport AK1
C.T.S. Airport 78AK
Camp Point Airport AK18
Campbell Airstrip CSR
Campbell Blm Heliport AK82
Campbell Lake Spb Seaplane Base 3C3
Candle 2 Airport AK75
Cantwell Airport PATW
Cape Decision C. G. Heliport CDE
Cape Lisburne LRRS Airport PALU
Cape Newenham LRRS Airport PAEH
Cape Pole Seaplane Base Z71
Cape Romanzof LRRS Airport PACZ
Cape Sarichef Airport PACS
Cape Simpson US-0201
Cape Spencer C.G. Heliport CSP
Cardwell Strip 34AK
Carl's Landing Airport AK19
Carol'S Heliport 60AK
Carpentiers Strip 64AK
Carty's Airstrip 8AK2
Castle Mountain Airstrip 48AK
Cd-3 Airstrip AK20
Central Airport PACE
Central Pad Heliport AA03
Chalkyitsik Airport PACI
Chandalar Lake Airport PALR
Chandalar Shelf Airport 5CD
Chatham Seaplane Base CYM
Chefornak Airport PACK
Chena Hot Springs Airport AK13
Chena Marina Airport AK28
Chena River Seaplane Base 2Z5
Chenega Bay Airport PFCB
Chernofski Harbor Seaplane Base KCN
Cherokee Airport 45AK
Chevak Airport PAVA
Chicken Airport CKX
Chignik Airport PAJC
Chignik Bay Seaplane Base Z78
Chignik Lagoon Airport KCL
Chignik Lake Airport A79
Chisana Airport CZN
Chistochina Airport CZO
Chitina Airport CXC
Christiansen Lake Seaplane Base AK8
Chuathbaluk Airport 9A3
Circle City /New/ Airport PACR
Circle Hot Springs Airport CHP
Cizek North Airport 6AK9
Clarks Point Airport PFCL
Clear Airport PACL
Clear Creek Airport 2AK2
Clear Sky Lodge Airport CLF
Clearwater Airport Z86
Coal Creek Airport L20
Coffman Cove Seaplane Base KCC
Colberg Airport 5AK6
Cold Bay Airport PACD
Coldfoot Airport PACX
Colorado Creek Airport KCR
Copper Center 2 Airport Z93
Cordova Municipal Airport CKU
Cottonwood Lake Seaplane Base 3H3
Council Airport K29
Cowell's Heliport 68AK
Craig Cg Heliport 1AK0
Craig Seaplane Base CGA
Crevice Creek Airport 1AK1
Crooked Creek Airport CJX
Crosswind Lake Airport 1AK2
Cubdivision Airport 9AK7
D&C; Fire Lake Flying Club Seaplane Base D72
Dahl Creek Airport DCK
Dahler Homestead Airport 7AK5
Dalrymple's Airport 31AK
Dan France Airport 7AK6
Dangerous River Airport A70
Deadhorse Airport PASC
Deering Airport PADE
Delta Daves Airport AA22
Delta Junction Airport D66
Denali Airport AK06
Deshka Landing Airport 3AK1
Devils Mountain Lodge Airport IBN
Diamond Nn Cannery Airport 8AK0
Dillingham Airport PADL
Diomede Heliport DM2
Dog Fish Bay Airport AK07
Downwind Landing Airport AK53
Doyle Estates Airport 30AK
Drift River Airport 3AK5
Driftwood Bay Air Force Station Airport PAAM
Duffys Tavern Airport DDT
Dutch Landing Strip 88AK
Eagle Airport PAEG
Eagle Nest Airport AK88
Eagles Nest Heliport 5AK4
Eareckson Air Station PASY
East Alsek River Airport AK76
Eastland Airport 98AK
Edward G. Pitka Sr Airport PAGA
Eek Airport PAEE
Egegik Airport PAII
Eielson Air Force Base PAEI
Ekuk Airport KKU
Ekwok Airport KEK
El Capitan Lodge Seaplane Base 5C5
Eldred Rock Cg Heliport ERO
Elfin Cove Seaplane Base PAEL
Elim Airport PFEL
Ellamar Seaplane Base 1Z9
Elmendorf Air Force Base PAED
Elmendorf Hospital Heliport AK91
Emmonak Airport PAEM
Encelewski Lake Seaplane Base AK5
Entrance Island Seaplane Base 2Z1
Era Chulitna River Heliport 61AK
Era Denali Heliport 7AK7
Ernies Airstrip AK10
Eureka Creek Airport 2Z2
Eva Creek Airport 2Z3
Excursion Inlet Seaplane Base EXI
Fairbanks International Airport PAFA
Fairview East Airport 58AK
Fairview West Airport AK58
Falcon Lake Strip 0AK9
False Island Seaplane Base 2Z6
False Pass Airport PAKF
Farewell Airport PAFW
Farewell Lake Seaplane Base PAFK
Farrars Airport 28AK
Feather River Airport 3Z1
Finger Lake Seaplane Base 99Z
Fire Island Airport 6AK5
Fisher Airport 08AK
Five Finger CG Heliport 2AK3
Five Mile Airport PAFV
Flat Airport FLT
Flying Crown Airport AK12
Flyway Farm Airstrip 36AK
Fort Jensen Airport AK60
Fort Yukon Airport PFYU
Four Corners Airport 14AK
Funter Bay Seaplane Base PANR
Gaede Airport 7AK3
Galbraith Lake Airport PAGB
Gambell Airport PAGM
Gannon's Landing Airport AK83
Gattis Strip 16AK
Gilmore Strip 39AK
Girdwood Airport AQY
Glacier Creek Airport KGZ
Glacierview Strip AK17
Gold King Creek Airport PAAN
Golden Horn Lodge Seaplane Base 3Z8
Golden North Airfield 15AK
Golovin Airport PAGL
Gooding Lake Seaplane Base 2D3
Goodnews Airport GNU
Goose Bay Airport Z40
Grand Home Airport AK99
Grandview Subdivision Airport 5AK9
Granite Mountain Air Station GSZ
Grayling Airport KGX
Green's Strip AK65
Greg'n Sage Airport AK41
Grouse Ridge Airport AK93
Gulkana Airport PAGK
Gunsight Mountain Airport A88
Gus Landing AA33
Gustavus Airport PAGS
Hackney Landing Seaplane Base 96AK
Haines Airport PAHN
Haines Seaplane Base 3Z9
Hangar Lake Seaplane Base Z58
Hardrock Field 32AK
Harlequin Lake Airport A67
Hawk Inlet Seaplane Base HWI
Haycock Airport HAY
Healy River Airport PAHV
Helmericks Airport 22AK
Henley Airport 75AK
Herendeen Bay Airport AK33
Hess Airport 7AK8
High Ridge Association Airport 97AK
Highland Airport 47AK
Hilltop Airport AK24
Hog River Airport 2AK6
Hollis Seaplane Base HYL
Holy Cross Airport PAHC
Homer Airport PAHO
Homer-Beluga Lake Seaplane Base 5BL
Honeybee Lake Aero Park Airport 25AK
Hoonah Airport PAOH
Hoonah Seaplane Base OOH
Hooper Bay Airport PAHP
Hope Airport 5HO
Hoppe'S Seaplane Base 86AK
Horseshoe Lake Seaplane Base AA02
Horsfeld Airport 4Z5
Howards Airport 5AK2
Hughes Airport PAHU
Hunt Strip 10AK
Hunter Creek Airport AK66
Huslia Airport PAHL
Huttunen Strip 79AK
Hydaburg Seaplane Base PAHY
Hyder Seaplane Base 4Z7
Icy Bay Airport 19AK
Icy Cape Afs Airport 2AK8
Igiugig Airport PAIG
Iliamna Airport PAIL
Independence Creek Airport 2AK9
Indian Mountain LRRS Airport PAIM
Inigok Airport 4AK1
Island Lake Seaplane Base 29A
Island Lake Seaplane Base 2R3
Ivanof Bay Seaplane Base KIB
Jack Fish Landing Airport 7AK4
Jacobsen Lake Seaplane Base AK43
Jacobus Field 8AK1
Jakes Bar Airport AK0
Jakolof Bay Airport 4Z9
Jewell Airport AK72
Jim's Landing Airport 82AK
Joe Clouds Seaplane Base 03AK
Johnson Airport 3AK4
Johnsons Landing Airport Z52
Johnstone Point Airport 2AK5
Jolly Field AK79
Jones Landing Seaplane Base L95
Jonesville Mine Airport PAJV
June Lake Airpark 06AK
June Lake Seaplane Base 66AK
Juneau Harbor Seaplane Base 5Z1
Juneau International Airport PAJN
Kake Airport PAFE
Kake Seaplane Base KAE
Kako Airport 9AK2
Kalakaket Creek AS Airport 1KC
Kalmbach Airport 43AK
Kalmbach Lake Seaplane Base 54AK
Kalskag Airport PALG
Kaltag Airport PAKV
Kantishna Airport 5Z5
Karluk Airport PAKY
Karluk Lake Seaplane Base KKL
Kasaan Seaplane Base KXA
Kashwitna Lake Seaplane Base AK34
Kasigluk Airport PFKA
Kasilof Airport 5KS
Kasitsna Airport 5Z7
Kenai Municipal Airport PAEN
Kenai River Airpark 1AK4
Ketchikan /Temsco H/ Heliport 17AK
Ketchikan Harbor Seaplane Base 5KE
Ketchikan International Airport PAKT
King Cove Airport PAVC
King Ranch Airport AK59
King Salmon Airport PAKN
Kipnuk Airport PAKI
Kitoi Bay Seaplane Base KKB
Kivalina Airport PAVL
Klawock Airport PAKW
Klawock Seaplane Base PAQC
Kobuk Airport PAOB
Kodiak /Lilly Lake/ Seaplane Base 9Z3
Kodiak Airport PADQ
Kodiak Emergency/Spruce Cape Heliport AK74
Kodiak Municipal Airport PAKD
Koggiung Airport 5KO
Kogru River US-0200
Kokhanok Airport PFKK
Koliganek Airport PAJZ
Kongiganak Airport PADY
Kotlik Airport PFKO
Koyuk Alfred Adams Airport PAKK
Koyukuk Airport PFKU
Kramer Airport AK86
Kucera Residence Airport 63AK
Kucera Seaplane Base 91AK
Kulik Lake Airport PAKL
Kvichak /Diamond J/ Airport 9Z7
Kwethluk Airport PFKW
Kwigillingok Airport PAGG
Kwigillingok Seaplane Base KWK
Ladd AAF Airfield PAFB
Lake Brooks Seaplane Base 5Z9
Lake Hood Seaplane Base PALH
Airport Name Code
Lake Hood Strip Z41
Lake Louise Airport Z55
Lake Louise Seaplane Base 13S
Lake Lucille Seaplane Base 4A3
Lakewood Airstrip 53AK
Lakloey Air Park AK22
Larsen Bay Airport PALB
Laub Airport 3AK7
Lawing Airport 9Z9
Lawrence Airstrip 55AK
Leisurewood Airstrip Owners Assoc Airport 9AK6
Levelock Airport 9Z8
Lime Village Airport 2AK
Lincoln Village Airpark 89AK
Little Niklason Lake Seaplane Base 3AK0
Little Susitna Airport 8AK6
Livengood Camp Airport 4AK
Lloyd R. Roundtree Seaplane Facility Seaplane Base 63A
Lonely Air Station AK71
Long Lake Airport 4AK3
Long Lake Airport AK69
Long Lake Seaplane Base AK57
Loring Seaplane Base 13Z
Lost Lake SPB Seaplane Base 57AK
Lost River 1 Airport LSR
Lost River 2 Airport AK45
Lowell Field 00AK
Mac Kenzie Country Airpark 2AK0
Mackeys Lakes Seaplane Base L85
Mankomen Lake Airport 4AK5
Manley Hot Springs Airport PAML
Manokotak Airport PAMB
Marion Seaplane Base 85AK
Marshall Don Hunter Sr Airport PADM
Martin Airport AK92
Mat-Su Regional Medical Center Heliport 92AK
May Creek Airport MYK
Mc Carthy Airport PAMX
Mc Grath Seaplane Base 16Z
Mc Kinley Country Airport 81AK
Mc Kinley National Park Airport PAIN
Mcdonald Ridge Airport 65AK
Mcgahan Industrial Airpark AK73
McGrath Airport PAMC
Medfra Airport MDR
Medivac - Wasilla Heliport 95AK
Mekoryuk Airport PAMY
Mels Airport 38AK
Memory Lake Airport 5AK8
Memory Lake Seaplane Base 69AK
Merle K (Mudhole) Smith Airport PACV
Merrill Field PAMR
Metlakatla Seaplane Base PAMM
Metro Field MTF
Meyers Chuck Seaplane Base 84K
Middleton Island Airport PAMD
Minchumina Airport PAMH
Minto Al Wright Airport 51Z
Minuteman Lake Seaplane Base MFN
Minuteman Strip AK68
Misty Lake Seaplane Base AA11
Moen's Ranch Airport AK52
Montana Creek Airport 21AK
Moore Creek Airport 99AK
Moose Run Airstrip AK55
Morvro Lake Seaplane Base 80AK
Moser Bay Seaplane Base KMY
Moses Point Airport MOS
Mountain Village Airport PAMO
Murphys Pullout Seaplane Base 8K9
Nakeen Airport 76Z
Naknek Airport 5NK
Nancy Lake Seaplane Base 78Z
Nanwalek Airport KEB
Napaimute Pioneer Airfield 4AK8
Napakiak Airport PANA
Napaskiak Airport PAPK
Naukati Bay Seaplane Base AK62
Nelson Lagoon Airport PAOU
Nenana Municipal Airport PANN
New Stuyahok Airport PANW
Newtok Airport PAEW
Newtok Seaplane Base WWT
Nightmute Airport PAGT
Niklason Lake Estates Airport 3AK2
Niklason Lake Seaplane Base 4AK0
Nikolai Airport PAFS
Nikolai Creek Airport 9AK3
Nikolski Air Station PAKO
Ninilchik Airport NIN
Nixon Fork Mine Airport AK40
Noatak Airport PAWN
Nome Airport PAOM
Nome City Field 94Z
Nondalton Airport PANO
North Cubs Strip Airport 8AK8
North Douglas Heliport 18AK
North Whale Seaplane Base 96Z
Northstar Heliport 90AK
Northway Airport PAOR
Nugget Bench Airport 33AK
Nuiqsut Airport PAQT
Nulato Airport PANU
Nunapitchuk Airport 16A
Nushagak Airport AK21
Nyac Airport ZNC
Offshore Systems-Kenai Heliport 1AK5
Old Harbor Airport 6R7
Olga Bay Seaplane Base KOY
Oliktok LRRS Airport OLI
Oooguruk Island Heliport AK32
Ophir Airport Z17
Ouzinkie Airport 4K5
Owen Field 20AK
Oyster Cove Airport 2AK4
Pad-66 Heliport 27AK
Palmer Municipal Airport PAAQ
Parker Lake Airport 0AK3
Pat-Mar Strip AK63
Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base KPH
Paxson Airport PAXK
Pedro Bay Airport 4K0
Pelican Seaplane Base PEC
Penderosa Airport 59AK
Peninsula Point Pullout Seaplane Base 9C0
Perry Island Seaplane Base PYL
Perryville Airport PAPE
Petersburg James A Johnson Airport PAPG
Pilot Point Airport PAPN
Pilot Station Airport 0AK
Pioneer Heliport AA27
Piper Landing Airport AK25
Platinum Airport PAPM
Platinum Mine Airport 6AK1
Pogo Mine Airstrip 76AK
Point Baker Seaplane Base KPB
Point Hope Airport PAPO
Point Lay Lrrs Airport PPIZ
Point Mac Airport AK36
Point Mackenzie Heliport AK37
Point Mcintyre Airport AK11
Point Thomson Sea Ice Airstrip AA50
Pollux Heliport 0AK8
Porcupine Creek Airport PCK
Port Alexander Seaplane Base PAAP
Port Alice Seaplane Base 16K
Port Alsworth Airport TPO
Port Bailey Seaplane Base KPY
Port Clarence Coast Guard Station PAPC
Port Graham Airport PGM
Port Heiden Airport PAPH
Port Lions Airport ORI
Port Moller Airport PAAL
Port Protection Seaplane Base 19P
Port Walter Seaplane Base PWR
Port Williams Seaplane Base KPR
Portage Creek Airport PAOC
Prospect Creek Airport PAPR
Providence Hospital Heliport AK38
Providence Seward Medical Center Heliport 01AK
Purkeypile Airport 01A
Puviaq Airport 74AK
Quail Creek Airport 20K
Quartz Creek /Kougarok/ Airport 5QC
Quartz Creek Airport JLA
Quinhagak Airport PAQH
Rainbow Heights Estates Airstrip 6AK7
Rainy Pass Lodge Airport 6AK
Ralph M Calhoun Memorial Airport PATA
Ralph Wien Memorial Airport PAOT
Rampart Airport RMP
Rangeview Airstrip US-0190
Red Devil Airport RDV
Red Dog Airport PADG
Reids Landing Airport AK29
Remington Field 29AK
River John Airport 3AK9
Road Commission Nr 1 Airport 0Z2
Robe Lake Seaplane Base L93
Robert (Bob) Curtis Memorial Airport PFNO
Robin'S Landing 50AK
Rocking T. Ranch Airport 11AK
Roland Norton Memorial Airstrip 8AK3
Ruby Airport PARY
Russian Mission Airport PARS
Rustic Wilderness Airport 02AK
Saddleback Island Heliport AA07
Saginaw Seaplane Base A23
Salmon Lake Airport Z81
San Juan /Uganik/ Seaplane Base WSJ
Sand Point Airport PASD
Satterbergs Airport 13AK
Savoonga Airport PASA
Scammon Bay Airport PACM
Scooter's Landing Strip AK84
Scotts Airport 0AK0
Scout Lake Seaplane Base 8AK4
Seal Bay Seaplane Base SYB
Seal Island Heliport 35AK
Secluded Lake Airport 49AK
Selawik Airport PASK
Seldovia Airport PASO
Seldovia Seaplane Base A27
Settlers Bay Airstrip 41AK
Seward Airport PAWD
Seymour Lake Seaplane Base 3A3
Shageluk Airport PAHX
Shaktoolik Airport PFSH
Shannons Pond Seaplane Base 0Z3
Shawn Field AK47
Sheep Mountain Airport PASP
Shelby Strip AA05
Sheldon Point Airport SXP
Shirley Lake Airport AK90
Shishmaref Airport PASH
Shump Airport AA00
Shungnak Airport PAGH
Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport PASI
Sitka Seaplane Base A29
Situk Airport A68
Sixmile Lake Airport AA06
Skagway Airport PAGY
Skagway Seaplane Base 7K2
Skelton Airport AK04
Skid Marks Airport AK67
Skilak Blm Helistop 3K0
Skwentna Airport PASW
Sky Harbor Airport 9AK5
Sky Ranch At Pioneer Peak Airport AK50
Sleepers Strip 6AK2
Sleetmute Airport PASL
Snettisham Airport 7AK2
Soldotna Airport PASX
Soldotna Hospital H Heliport SD1
Solomon State Field AK26
Soloy Strip 87AK
Songlo Vista Airport 3AK3
South Gasline Airport AK39
South Hollywood Airport 67AK
South Naknek Nr 2 Airport PFWS
South Peninsula Hospital Heliport 4AA4
Sparrevohn LRRS Airport PASV
Sports Mans Paradise Airport 9AK0
Squaw Harbor Seaplane Base 36H
St George Airport PAPB
St John Homestead Airport 4AK2
St Mary's Airport PASM
St Michael Airport PAMK
St Paul Island Airport PASN
Stampede Airport Z90
Steamboat Bay Seaplane Base WSB
Stebbins Airport WBB
Stephan Lake Lodge Airport AK61
Sterling Air Park 40AK
Stevens Village Airport SVS
Stony River 2 Airport SRV
Stormy Hill Seaplane Base 9AK1
Strawberry Point Airport AK30
Stro's Airport AK54
Summit Airport PAST
Summit Lake Seaplane Base 52Z
Sunset Strip AK16
Swift Creek Airport AK31
Tahneta Pass Airport HNE
Takotna Airport TCT
Taku Harbor Seaplane Base A43
Taku Lodge Seaplane Base TKL
Talachulitna River Airport 1AK6
Talaheim Airport 1AK8
Talkeetna Airport PATK
Talkeetna Village Strip AK44
Tamgas Harbor Seaplane Base Z43
Tanacross Airport TSG
Tanis Mesa Airport A69
Tatalina LRRS Airport PATL
Tatitlek Airport 7KA
Tatitna Airport 8KA
Taylor Airport AK49
Taylor Mountain Airport AK64
Tazlina /Smokey Lake/ Seaplane Base 5AK
Tazlina Airport Z14
Team Levine Heliport AK87
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport PANC
Telida Airport 2K5
Teller Airport PATE
Tenakee Seaplane Base TKE
Tetlin Airport 3T4
The Queens Airport 93AK
Thomas Strip AK08
Thompson Pass Airport K55
Thorne Bay Seaplane Base KTB
Tibbetts Airport 4AK9
Tidewater Bluffs Airport 77AK
Tikchik Lodge Seaplane Base AK56
Timber Trails Airport AA76
Tin City Long Range Radar Station Airport PATC
Tin Creek Airport PAFL
Toad Lake Strip 24AK
Todds Strip 5AK5
Togiak Airport PATG
Tok 2 Airport 8AK9
Tok Airport PATJ
Tok Junction Airport PFTO
Tokeen Seaplane Base 57A
Toksook Bay Airport PAOO
Tolovana Hot Springs Airport 83AK
Tolsona Lake Seaplane Base 58A
Totatlanika River Airport 9AK
Trading Bay Production Airport 5AK0
Trident Basin Seaplane Base T44
Trio Estates Airport AA30
Tripod Airport Z25
Trophy Lodge Heliport 72AK
Tulakes Airport 6AK8
Tuluksak Airport TLT
Tundra Copter Heliport 1AK9
Tuntutuliak Airport A61
Tuntutuliak Seaplane Base Z20
Tununak Airport 4KA
Turinsky Airstrip AK14
Twin Hills Airport A63
Twin Lake Airport AK95
Tyonek Airport TYE
Ugashik Airport 9A8
Ugashik Bay Airport UGB
Ugnu-Kuparuk Airport PAKU
Umiat Airport PAUM
Unalakleet Airport PAUN
Unalaska Airport PADU
Upper Hannum Creek Airport 4Z2
Upper Wasilla Lake Seaplane Base 3K9
Valdez Hospital Heliport 1AK7
Valdez Pioneer Field PAVD
Valley Flying Crown Airport AK27
Valley Hospital - Palmer Heliport AK42
Valley Hospital, Wasilla Heliport AK48
Venetie Airport PAVE
Victory Airport 0AK6
Viking Heliport AA04
Vinduska Airport 7AK9
Visnaw Lake Seaplane Base T66
Vor Lake Waterlane Seaplane Base 2A4
Wainwright Air Station PAWT
Wainwright Airport PAWI
Walby Lake Seaplane Base AA85
Wales Airport PAIW
Wallis Lake Seaplane Base 62AK
Warm Spring Bay Seaplane Base BNF
Wasilla Airport PAWS
Wasilla Creek Airpark 05AK
Wasilla Lake Seaplane Base 5L6
Waterfall Seaplane Base KWF
West Beaver Airport 09AK
West Beaver Seaplane Base AA01
West Papoose Lake Airpark 44AK
West Point Village Seaplane Base KWP
White Mountain Airport PAWM
Whittier Airport PAWR
Wicker Airport 42AK
Wilder/Natwick Llc Airport AK51
Wiley Post Will Rogers Memorial Airport PABR
Willow Airport PAUO
Willow Seaplane Base 2X2
Wingsong Estates Airport AK09
Winter's Strip US-0017
Wiseman Airport WSM
Wolf Lake Airport 4AK6
Wolf Track Airport 9AK8
Wrangell Airport PAWG
Wrangell Seaplane Base 68A
Yakataga Airport PACY
Yakutat Airport PAYA
Yakutat Seaplane Base 2Y3
Yankee Cove Heliport 73AK
Yankee Creek 2 Airport A77
Yentna Bend Strip 0AK2
Yes Bay Lodge Seaplane Base 78K
Young Creek Airport 0AK5
Yuknis Airport 23AK
Zachar Bay Seaplane Base KZB